Sales Force Effectiveness Metrics More Important Than Ever in a Tough Market

Shiny New FDAHans Nagl, Promotion Response Modelling Manager, Shire — a scheduled speaker at eyeforpharma’s upcoming Sales Force Effectiveness Europe 2009 summit March 3-5 — focuses on SFE metrics for Shire.

Thisarticle summarizes a recent discussion between eyeforpharma’s EditorLisa Roner and Nagl about how the current economy and changing pharmalandscape is impacting program effectiveness measures.

Topic headings include:

  • Know Who You’re Talking To
  • “Wholistic” Approach
  • Lack of Skills is a Problem
  • It Takes Sales Experience and Statistics
  • Special MBAs Needed
  • Take a Long-Term View

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Issue: Vol. 8, No. 2: February 2009
Word Count: 997

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