Building the Optimal Service Model

Creating the Right Physician Experiences to Drive Business

TNSThe vast majority of pharmaceutical companies across the US and Europesay they are moving to new customer-centric service models, which focusmore on building relationships with physicians than do traditionaldetailing models. But are doctors experiencing any real change? Whatdoes that transition mean for companies, reps and physicians? Whatshould you do differently to ensure the new models succeed? And what dodoctors really want from you?

Those were some of the topics andquestions addressed by TNS Healthcare in a recent webinar. This articlepresents a summary of this webinar and personal conversations withpresenters conducted beforehand. Included are NEW research resultsabout how US and European physicians rate pharmaceutical companiesagainst a number of customer value points that are important inachieving success with the new sales model..

Topic headings include:

  • Evolution of the Sales Model
  • The New Sales Model
  • New Measures of Success
  • Key Findings of the 2009 TRI*M™ Study
  • Hygiene, Drivers, Hidden Drivers
  • A Decline in Rep Scores Across the Board
  • What Do Physicians Value?
  • Awareness and Use of Non-Rep Channels
  • Service Model “Report Card”
  • Customer Word-of-Mouth & Market Resistance
  • Key Survey Learnings and Implications

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Issue: Vol. 8, No. 2: February 2009
Word Count: 5556

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