Moving the Needle on Adherence
Highlights from the 7th Annual Forum on Patient Compliance, Adherence and Persistency

When patients fail to take their medicine as prescribed, the financial impact on the pharmaceutical industry is substantial. Even more distressing is the damage that is done to a patient’s health and well being.

Both the financial and social implications of non-compliance were the subjects of the recent 7th Annual Forum on Patient Compliance, Adherence and Persistency held in Philadelphia.

This article presents highlights from this forum and discusses several issues, including:

  • What does Adherence Mean?
  • You Can’t Control What You Don’t Measure
  • Return on Investment
  • Who influences Adherence?
  • Do We Really Know What It Costs?
  • Pharmacist Perspective
  • Business Case: Vaccine/Text Messaging
  • Walgreens’ Approach
  • New Technology
  • Invasive Compliance: A Bitter Pill to Swallow
  • Keeping it Legal
  • Winners of the Third Annual Strategic Patient Adherence (SPA) Awards

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Issue: Vol. 7, No. 5: May 2008
Word Count: 3841

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