Building a Blockbuster Moving Towards a New Service Model
Blockbusters are a dying breed. There are many reasons for this but your next drug can still be a blockbuster, says Jonathan Kay, President, US Portfolio, TNS Healthcare.
TNS research suggests that you can enhance your chances by developing a customer-driven approach that focuses more on building relationships with physicians than does the traditional detailing model.
In this article, Kay and Andrew Brana, Senior Global Consultant, Sales Force Optimization, TNS Healthcare, present results from a February, 2008, survey of primary care physicians in the US and 5 European countries. The results provide answers to the following questions:
- What experiences do physicians value the most in their relationship with a drug company?
- Have physicians seen changes in services provided by pharmaceutical companies? If so, what changes and to what extent?
- How do physicians rate the major pharmaceutical sales forces on delivering the types of experiences and services that they want?
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Issue: Vol. 7, No. 4: April 2008
Word Count: 2737