Pharmaceutical Competitive Intelligence Forewarned is Forearmed
The phrase “competitive intelligence” (CI) may conjure images of dumpster dives, covert ops, and general sneaking around, poking into the business of other businesses. Or, you may look at audience profiles, focus groups, campaign metrics and competitor landscape analyses, and figure that’s all the CI you need.

However, one of the foremost practitioners of CI, Jan Herring, puts it in a broader frame: “Knowledge and foreknowledge of the world around us — the prelude to management decision and action.”

This report of impressions from a pharma CI conference is an insider view, primarily how-to principles for CI providers, rather than how-to-use concepts for CI consumers. Yet you don’t have to be an operative to benefit from reading this article, if for no other reason that to realize that SWOT is not just pitch-deck boilerplate, but the evolving awareness of your brand’s interactions with the world.

Topics and issues covered include:

  • What is Competitive Intelligence?
  • The Times They Are A-Changing
  • Overcoming Organizational Hurdles
  • The Best Competitive Intelligence Sources
  • War Games
  • Social Networking: A New Source of Competitive Intelligence?
  • Finally, the Ethics of it All

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Issue: Vol. 6, No. 9: October 2007
Word Count: 3034

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