Rep Access Programs Skyscape’s RAP Opens Doors to Meaningful Dialogs
There’s no denying that the pharmaceutical industry is challenged today more than ever before to obtain quality face-to-face interactions with physicians. Such interactions are vital to enhancing brand awareness and increasing market share.

Skyscape, a Marlborough, MA company that provides interactive, intelligent health solutions for desktop and mobile devices, offers a medically-relevant service that is highly sought-after among physicians. As a result, it has become a popular and effective tool for field representatives to gain access to practitioners.

Skyscape’s Representative Assess Program takes advantage of over 500 specialty educational titles that doctors are interested in receiving. This article describes this program and how it can increase your product’s market share.

Topics and issues covered include:

  • Just What the Doctor Ordered
  • Gifts Should Improve Patient Care
  • Skyscape’s Portfolio
  • Pharma Services that Physicians Value Most (chart)
  • Open Doors Again and Again
  • Case Study
  • Branded for a Lasting Impression
  • Skyscape Survey Results: Trends in Point-of-Care Mobile Technology

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Issue: Vol. 6, No. 9: October 2007
Word Count: 1452

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