A Primer on Pharma Employee Blogging It Can Be Done!
In the book “Naked Conversations,” Robert Scoble, who helps run Microsoft’s Channel 9 employee blog Web site, argues that employee blogs can repair corporate image and rebuild lost trust. If Microsoft can do it, so can Big Pharma, whose image is desperately in need of repair! Indeed, there is some movement within a few pharmaceutical companies toward implementing employee blogs. But before any pharmaceutical company dives into blogging, there are a few fundamentals that should be considered for developing a strategy for employee blogging.

Topics and issues covered include:

  • Start Internally
  • Guarantee Anonymity
  • Some Pharma Feet Are Getting Wet
  • Moderate Comments
  • Specify Posting Rules
  • Determine which Employees Should and Should Not Post
  • Go Public With Caution

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Issue: Vol. 6, No. 4: April 2007
Word Count: 1207

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