How Readable, Credible & Useful are Pharma Blogs? Survey Results
This article presents the complete results from the first ever survey of The Pharma Blogosphere in which blog readers evaluate 22 different pharma-related blogs on the basis of readability, credibility, usefulness, and bias.

Topics and issues covered include:

  • Frequency of Reading
  • Is It a Legitimate Issue?
  • Bias: Industry Critics vs Industry Supporters
  • Readability, Credibility, and Usefulness
  • The TOP FIVE Overall Honors
  • Industry vs. Non-Industry Readers
  • Blogs and Readers of a Feather Flock Together
  • Charts and Tables include:
    • FIGURE 1: Frequency of Reading
    • FIGURE 2: “Industry Critics”
    • FIGURE 3: “Industry Supporters”
    • FIGURE 4: Overall Honors, ranked by credibility
    • TABLE 1A: TOP FIVE Readable blogs (overall)
    • TABLE 1B: TOP FIVE Credible blogs (overall)
    • TABLE 1C: TOP FIVE Useful blogs (overall)
    • TABLE 2A: TOP FIVE Readable blogs, industry respondents vs. non-industry respondents
    • TABLE 2B: TOP FIVE Credible blogs, industry respondents vs. non-industry respondents
    • TABLE 2A: TOP FIVE Useful blogs, industry respondents vs. non-industry respondents

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Issue: Vol. 6, No. 4: April 2007
Word Count: 1663

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