The Expanding Pharma Blogosphere All Things Pharma Considered
Although the pharmaceutical industry is slow to adopt blogging for PR purposes or otherwise, its critics and supporters alike are flocking to the blogosphere to make their voices heard. Currently, about 30 blogs are listed as honorary members of the Pharma Blogosphere. This article introduces you to several of these blogs, what motivates their authors, and what the pharmaceutical industry response, if any, should be.
Topics covered include:
- First Ever Pharma Blogosphere Survey
- All Things Pharma Considered
- Men Reign in the Pharma Blogoaphere
- Journalist Bloggers
- Beating the Journalist Bloggers
- Anonymous Bloggers and Censorship
- Too Many Bloggers Covering the Same Issues?
- Pharma Industry Response
- How Not To Do a Pharma Blog
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Issue: Vol. 6, No. 2: February 2007
Word Count: 3723