Word-of-Net: Pharma Marketing Forums OpEd by John Mack

I recently received this comment from Sunil Chiplunkar, a subscriber from Bangalore, India:

“As a pharma professional being a part of the network created by you. We needed such a forum to satisfy our individual professional affiliation needs and need to actualize. I hope your initiatives will continue to show your trademark unflagging enterprise & that your forum will gain a global footprint. On my part I am endeavoring to strengthen the “word-of-net” and “word-of-mouth” process for your activities. I am sure 2007 will be major turning point year for you for greater prosperity, happiness and professional successes.”

Sunil is a Manager of Marketing & Training at Juggat Pharma, which, I am sorry to say, is a company I’ve never heard of before. Hopefully, however, I will get know more about Sunil and his company in the months ahead.

Sunil is a new member of my new endeavor: Pharma Marketing Network Forums (PMN Forums). You can read more about this online community for pharmaceutical marketing professionals in the January 2007 issue of the newsletter (see “An Online Community to Call Our Own”).

I already know something about Sunil from his posts and profile that he created on PMN Forums. Sunil, for example, enjoys management, marketing, training, music, spirituality & literature. He is 37 years old and likes poetry. I know this because I was able to click on a link in one of the posts he made in the Disease Awareness thread I started in a PMN Forum. That link brought me to his blog, “Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare.”

I think Sunil and I have a lot in common. For example, we are both very interested in how Web 2.0 applications will transform marketing. He wrote about this in his blog as well as posting a message to the Forums.

I can easily find all the posts made by Sunil on PMN Forums by opening his profile and clicking on “Find all posts by Sunil S Chiplunkar.” I can also send Sunil a private message, which will pop up next time he logs into the Forums.

I have just added Sunil to my “Buddy List,” which means that whenever Sunil is logged in to the Forums, I’ll be able to see that and send him an instant message.

I hope that PMN Forums will become a big part of the Pharma Marketing Network and that many of you will become my buddies as well.

PMN Forums is a pull rather than a push application. I will no longer be pushing out email messages via the PHARMA-MKTING listserv, which served as a discussion board for subscribers for many years. Instead, you will have to come to PMN Forums and participate on your terms-whenever you want.

There are some Rules & Regulations (look in the Housekeeping Category) that I hope make PMN Forums a vibrant and valuable online community. Please spread the word.

Register now at www.forums.pharma-mkting.com

Issue: Vol. 6, No.1: January 2007

Word Count: n/a

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