Pharma’s Black Knight Confesses All! “The Whistleblower: Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman”
Peter Rost, former Pfizer VP, has embarked on a mission few of us would care to be on-that of a whistleblower vs. the pharmaceutical industry! This mission was the subject of a recent Pharma Marketing News article, published soon after Rost started his blog on Huffington Post (see “Peter Rost: Whistle Blower, Pharma Blogger, ???“).
On September 10, 2006, Rost dropped the other shoe-his announcement of his new book, “THE WHISTLEBLOWER: Confessions of a Healthcare Hitman.” This is a review of that book with commentary from several bloggers.
Topics covered include:
- It’s Good to be the King!
- Pfizer Goes to Court to Sanction Rost for Writing Book
- Something Old, Something New
- Dirt Dearth
- The Battle Goes On
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Issue: Vol. 5, No. 8: September 2006
Word Count: 1864