Peter Rost: Whistle Blower, Pharma Blogger, ???


It might be fair to call former Pfizer marketing VP Peter Rost “Pharma’s Black Knight” because of his confrontation with the drug industry over drug importation and his “whistle-blower” case against Pfizer. He achieved notoriety on 60 Minutes and in testimony before the US Senate regarding high US drug prices and drug importation from Canada by US citizens. Using these pulpits, Rost has criticized the drug industry on their stance against importation, calling it “fundamentally unethical.” After his 60 Minutes interview, Pfizer temporarily cut off his phone and email service and eventually fired him.

This article is based on an interview in which Rost describes his new post-Pfizer vocation: Blogger!

Topics covered include:

  • Peter Rost the Whistle Blower
  • Peter Rost the Blogger
  • A Unique Style
  • Pharmacia and Genotrophin
  • The Andy Rooney of Pharma Bloggers
  • Peter Rost on Medicare Part D
  • Peter Rost on Trustworthiness of Drug Industry
  • A Sampling of Rost Blog Posts
  • What Does Rost Plan To Do For Money These Days?

Order the Full Article Reprint – $6.95

Issue: Vol. 5, No. 5: May 2006
Word Count: 2486
TOPICS: Strategic Marketing & Planning | Regulatory Compliance