eDetailing Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
eDetailing proponents, inside pharma companies and outside, use survey data to justify their arguments for greater spending on eDetails. In some cases, however, the numbers seem to show confusing trends and even may suggest that eDetailing may not be all that it’s cracked up to be.

At the recent Technology Supported Physician Detailing conference in Philadelphia, Liz Boehm, Principal Analyst, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Forrester Research, presented data from recent surveys of physicians regarding their attitudes toward eDetailing. This article summarizes the information presented by Boehm.

Topics covered and questions answered include:

  • How many physicians have EVER been detailed vs. NEVER?
  • Which physicians are detailed most?
  • ROI Results
  • Do doctors prescribe more or less of the featured product after being eDetailed?
  • Total spending on eDetailing by pharma
  • Influence of cash honoraria

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Issue: Vol. 4, No. 9: October 2005
Word Count: 1746

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