A Good Time Was Had by All
Vol. 4, No.5: May 2005

Pharma Marketing Network — the web site behind Pharma Marketing News — hosted its Second Annual Networking Dinner Reception on May 18, 2005, in Metuchen, New Jersey.

Nearly 70 people showed up and spent several hours networking, enjoying dinner, and brain-storming ideas about how to improve the Network and the services offered.

Attendees were mostly from the service/vendor side. Obviously, the number one goal of vendors is to meet pharmaceutical executives with purchasing power. While this was discussed at the meeting, the primary focus was on how vendors can help each other and everyone felt that meetings like this are very helpful.

Here’s a sampling of a few comments I heard personally from several attendees:

  • “I enjoyed the dinner last night… I made at least two good contacts, one of which might even have a job lead for me.”
  • “I enjoyed the event last night. First class!” “Thanks for letting me know about your networking session. “A good time was had by all” Your wife was lovely!”
  • “Hi John – good to see you at the networking dinner tonite…..it was a great event and I enjoyed meeting/reacquainting with people.”
  • “This is the first event like this I have attended where the food was actually served hot!”
  • “Just wanted to thank you for putting together the event on Wednesday. Everything was great–I made some contacts and met some really nice and knowledgeable people.”
  • “The atmosphere and the food were great. I also made several good contacts at the event and learned a lot. Looking forward to the next one.”

Last year about 47 people attended the Networking Cocktail Reception; this year 69 people attended. That’s a 50% increase. Every aspect of Pharma Marketing Network is experiencing similar growth: subscribers have increased 76% in the first quarter of 2005; web site visitors increased 56%; listings in the Pharma Marketing Vendor Directory increased 78%! See “PMN Experiences Impressive Growth” for more details.

The power of networking is in proportion to the square of the number of “nodes;” i.e., people attending a networking event, subscribers to this newsletter, Pharma Marketing Online Discussion Forum members, vendors in the Pharma Marketing Vendor Directory, etc.

Other networking receptions are being planned for this fall in the New England area and NY/NJ/PA area. If you are interested in sponsoring an event, speaking, or helping to organize an event in your area, please contact me at johnmack@virsci.com