How to Sell a Drug Before it is Approved A European “named patient program” might be an option.
Pharmaceutical marketers can generate significant interest in a drug before it is officially launched. This is often done by supporting educational CME programs for physicians, employing key opinion leaders, sponsoring satellite symposia at major medical meetings, and publishing clinical trial results.

However, did you know that you can also sell a drug before it is launched? Dr. Gene Emmer, President of Med Services Europe B.V., an Amsterdam-based consultancy focused on sales, marketing, and business development for the medical industry, advises his start-up, cash hungry, biotech companies to consider if a European “named patient program” might be an option.

Topics covered include:

  • Significant Revenues Are Possible
  • Other Benefits of Named Patient Programs
  • Communication Yes, Marketing No
  • European Marketing Expertise Required

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Issue: Vol. 4, No. 3: March 2005
Word Count: 1121

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