Increase Prescription Sales with Smart Tools Review: Smart-PI and Physi-Calc Prescribing Information Wizards
The limited time that sales representatives have with a physician is barely enough to drop off samples with a small-print size package insert and an occasional glossy printed sales aid with product information.

Realizing the limitations of the printed package insert (PI), Wellscape, a technology company that provides software solutions designed to improve patient care has developed Smart-PI®, which distills complex prescribing information and packages it in portable, stand-alone real-time tools accessible from web sites and available for desktop and Tablet PCs and PDAs.

This article reviews Smart-PI and Physi-Calc, an electronic treatment guidelines tool. Other topics discussed include:

  • Prescribing Information Wizards
  • A survey of physicians by Lathian Systems regarding sources they use for learning prescribing information
  • Pharma value added options

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Issue: Vol. 4, No. 3: March 2005
Word Count: 1182

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