Predictive Physician Marketing Review: The ProSigma™ Detail Model
According to some experts, the pharmaceutical industry has only itself to blame for limited physician access and two minute sales calls (see “Marketing’s Role in Limiting Physician Access and What to Do About It,” Increase Physician Access and Detailing Effectiveness Special PMN Supplement).

Creating product detail pieces and training representatives on the use of new materials represents a considerable marketing investment. It would be extremely valuable, therefore, to be able to predict how well a campaign will be before it is launched.

Now there is a method proven to predict the success of a campaign prior to launch. The ProSigma™ Detail Model created by TargetRx, a marketing information services company located in Horsham, PA, helps pharmaceutical marketers develop the best detail and detail piece to drive prescribing behavior.

Topics covered include:

  • The ProSigma™ Detail Model
  • Case Study

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Issue: Vol. 4, No. 10: November 2005
Word Count: 1183

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