A Crisis in Professional Detailing Trends Impacting Effectiveness
Although many people argue that physician detailing is inefficient, is often unproductive, and is difficult to do effectively, it is still “the best way for a doctor to find out about a product,” according to Richard A. Bravasso, EVP/COO, Pharmedica Communications, LLC. He was speaking at a recent eyeforpharma conference on Sales Force Effectiveness, where he also moderated a panel of physicians who gave frank insights into what physicians want from pharmaceutical sales reps.
Two physicians — one a specialist (cardiologist) and one a primary care physician — offered their insights on how pharmaceutical companies can improve their relationships with physicians.
Topic headings:
- Not Just Donuts, Coffee, and Pizza
- Trends Impacting Effectiveness
- What Do Doctors Want?
- Good Rep vs. Bad Rep
- Samples & Patient Education
- Sales Rep Preparedness
- Local Dinner Meetings
- Closing Remarks and Demonstration
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Issue: Vol. 3, No. 7: July/August 2004
Word Count: 1698