The Revitalized Brand Creating a New Brand Image from an Old Product
This article summarizes a presentation made by Lynne Brookes, Vice President, US Marketing, Cephalon Inc. at EyeforPharma’s Successful Product Branding in Pharma conference in London, UK on 23 March 2004 in which she discussed the marketing strategies behind Gabitril and Actiq.

Brookes has built her considerable reputation on turning around marketing blunders. Cephalon has acquired other people’s brands that hadn’t done well in the marketplace, yet had unique features that could be presented in a more favorable light. Without the luxury of a huge marketing budget, and not a lot of time either, Brookes has first to undo the harm already done to the ailing brand. “It’s not rocket science,” she claims. “You need to be clear about what the drug does, and the benefit(s) the drug provides.”

We all know that. Yet strangely enough, many pharma marketing campaigns go to great expense and miss these points completely.

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Issue: Vol. 3, No. 5: May 2004
Word Count: 688

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