To Build Patient Adherence, Pfizer Puts Technology Behind The Curtain The “E-nabled Patient”
While technology will enable pharma to execute complex consumer relationships, effective patient adherence programs will put tech to work as infrastructure – not as a primary communications medium.

This article summaries a presentation made by Diane Stafford, Head of Patient Relationship Marketing for Pfizer UK at the recent eyeforpharma Patient Compliance 2004 conference in London. In her presentation, entitled “The E-nabled Patient: Using Technology to help build valuable patient relationships,” Ms. Stafford asserted that you “can’ t use technology as [a compliance program] delivery mechanism if it’s not right.”

Ms. Stafford demonstrated how to implement 1-to-1 electronic relationships to deliver improved compliance, analyzed emerging new compliance initiatives using technology, and discussed successful approaches to develop patient ‘loyalty’ programmes and demonstrated their value.

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Issue: Vol. 3, No. 3: March 2004
Word Count: Word Count: 634

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