Scenarios on the Future of Pharma Marketing No Time Like the Present to Think the Unthinkable
This article summarizes a presentation made by Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, a health economist and forecaster, at the Strategic Research Institute’s 2nd Pharmaceutical Marketing Global Summit held in Philadelphia, PA, February 24 through 26, 2004.
In her talk, Ms. Sarasohn-Kahn assessed the prospects for the pharmaceutical industry over a 1 to 5 year period. She identified and analyzed the key external drivers shaping the short and longer-term futures of pharma, including political, economic, the provider market, plans, payers/employers, and e-business, among them. Based on these futures, Ms. Sarasohn-Kahn offered actionable implications for pharmaceutical marketers.
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Issue: Vol. 3, No. 3: March 2004
Word Count: 1351