Beyond DTC Consumer Relationship Satisfaction
Consumer information needs cannot be adequately addressed by DTCA alone. DTC can build awareness and convince a consumer to discuss a medical condition with his or her doctor. But what happens after the customer has visited the physician and initiated the product request? Physicians-who spend less than 15 minutes with patients during office visits-also are not in a position to fill all the information gaps consumers face or motivate them to change their behavior.

This article is a summary of a presentation by Lynn Benzing, President, The Patient Marketing Group at the Achieving DTC Success Conference in October, 2003. Ms. Benzing presented results from her company’s Consumer Relationship Satisfaction Survey, a groundbreaking comparative study on how pharmaceutical marketers are handling key consumer touch-points that impact brand loyalty. This study profiles over 50 brands across all major therapeutic categories.

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Issue: Vol. 3, No. 2: February 2004
Word Count: 873

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