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Vol. 2, No. 3: March 2003 (pdf)

Up Front
Do I Know You?

There are nearly 700 registered Pharma Marketing Network (PMN) members who receive this newsletter by e-mail. Many more download the newsletter from the Web site.

I know something about each registered user’s professional focus because every member fills out an opt-in form and indicates his or her job title and organization in order to qualify for membership. However, I don’t know much about which current or proposed topics for articles or Web-based services may be of interest to members.

Members know even less about each other’s expertise and interests. To improve the services offered by PMN and to enhance the interactivity of discussions on PHARMA-MKTING, we need to have more information about member preferences. This will help us create a better network and a more informative news-letter.

Therefore, I ask all registered members to fill out our online Pharma Marketing Network Improvement Survey. Your responses are anonymous and will not be linked to your name or e-mail address. The responses will be used only in aggregate form to improve the service for members.

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Pharma Marketing Network Improvement Survey page.

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John Mack, Publisher and Editor


Integrating Online & Offline Marketing: Challenges for Pharma

Many pharmaceutical companies are currently absorbing their e-business units and personnel back into the brand teams. This may be a glass is half-empty versus half-full situation. On the one hand, some may look upon this trend as an e-business retrenchment within pharma and a renewed focus on traditional marketing. On the other hand, some may see this as an affirmation that e-business has become mainstream within pharma.

No doubt some retrenchment has gone down as several former pharma e-business marketing executives have left and joined the ranks of consultants while others have changed their titles and job functions. Yet, pharma companies are also scaling up pilot e-initiatives such as e-detailing and funding new businesses on the Internet.

Someone who looks upon the glass as half-full is Bruce W. Bunyan, Senior Director & General Manager at Aventis Behring, the therapeutic proteins business of Aventis. At the 2nd Annual eMarketing for Pharmaceuticals conference in Philadelphia, Bunyan used his company’s experience as a case study for how to bring together the online and offline marketing mix within a pharmaceutical company. He frankly discussed the obstacles he faced and claimed “he learns more from his mistakes than from his successes.” It is obvious, however, that Aventis Behring is on the right track in overcoming the challenges.

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Consumer Use of the Internet for Health: Whose Numbers Do You Believe?

On March 16, 2003, the Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC) released a study that disputed widely-held beliefs-based on other studies-that most Americans rely on the Internet for health information. According to the study1, nearly two-thirds (62%) of American adults, or about 117 million people, failed to seek any health information from a source other than their doctor in the previous year and only one in six consumers turned to the Internet for health information (16%, or 30 million adults).

Other studies, including Cybercitizen Health (Manhattan Research) and The Harris Poll (Harris Interactive), report much higher numbers ranging from 63 million adults to 110 million adults (see table). Mark Bard1, president of Manhattan Research, wryly notes, “As in many situations, the truth may lie in between.” Coincidently, that’s exactly where results from his research lie (63 million adults)!

So, whose numbers do you believe?

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