Pharma and Patient Advocacy Groups Patient Centricity Finally Pays Off for Both
“Patient Centricity’ is finally paying off for drug companies in a BIG way, but it has nothing to do with designing clinical trials or marketing, both of which could claim to have been patient centric for many years.

The big patient-centricity payoff for pharma is its relationship with patient advocacy groups that are recruited to lobby Congress, local governments and the FDA to support industry-friendly legislation (or defeat anti-industry legislation) and influence the FDA drug approval process.


  • The Yin Yang of Patient Advocate Groups and the Pharma Industry
  • Mobile-Enabled Patient Focus Groups
  • FDA May Establish “Office of Patient Affairs” to Capture Patient Perspectives
  • The New, Patient-Centric FDA: A Double-edged Sword
  • How Patient Advocates Make Money from Pharma with Help from Agents
  • #Pharma Turning Patients With Rare Diseases Into D.C. Lobbyists
  • 93% of Patient Advocacy Groups Included in FDA Funding Discussions Receive $ from Pharma
  • More Than Two-thirds of Patient Advocacy Groups Receive Industry Funding
  • Pharma’s Rep Among Patient Groups Sinks to Near Historical Lows
  • Patient Advocate Backlash Against TV Drug Ads

Download the full article (PDF file) here: Reading

Issue: Vol. 16, No. 2: May 2017

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