TV DTC Advertising Is Not Dead Yet! But Lawmakers, Politicians, & FDA are Aiming for the HeadIt doesn’t take a genius to realize that when FDA approves more drugs for marketing, more marketing happens. That may be just one reason why spending on direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising in the U.S. totaled $5.2 billion in 2015 compared to $4.3 billion in 2014 — a 15% increase.
Meanwhile, there have been calls for a total ban of DTC advertising and presidential candidates and lawmakers are calling for the elimination of tax deductions for DTC advertising. And the FDA is planning a bevy of studies, which may lead to new guidelines.
Topics (partial list):
- Figure: DTC Ad Spend v. Drug Approvals
- Harvoni Case Study
- Figure: Top 10 Advertised Drugs in 2015
- Reports of TV’s Death are Greatly Exaggerated
- CBS Is the Favorite DTC TV Network
- Figure: TV Ad Spend by Top 20 Drugs in 2015 by Network
- Is TV DTC Advertising Effective?
- FDA Plans More DTC Studies
- Consider a Partial DTC Ban
Download the full article (PDF file) here:
Advertising Expert Says #Pharma Needs to Up Its Spending on Digital to Compliment Its TV Spend
Issue: Vol. 15, No. 2: March 2016