Anti-DTC Resurgence Physicians and Politicians Call for Bans, Moratoriums, & End to Tax BreaksWith the renewed focus on the high cost of drugs comes a new wave of attacks on Direct-to-Consumer Advertising (DTCA) of prescription drugs. Two factoids are making news these days:
Factoid #1: Spending on prescription drugs is increasing dramatically. The Chicago Tribune, quoting data from IMS health, reported that “Spending [in 2014] rose 13 percent [vs. 2013], the biggest jump since 2001, to a total of $374 billion” and
Factoid #2: Spending on DTCA of prescription drugs is also increasing – more so, in fact. Kanter Media reported that the drug industry increased measured media ad spending by 19% in 2014 vs 2013 to $4.5 Bn.
But is there a causal link between DTC advertising and Rx drug prices and/or total spending? This article explores this issue.
Topics (partial list):
- AMA Calls for DTC Ban
- The 2006 Anti-DTC Movement
- Pharma Execs Call for Limits
- DTC in Today’s Political Spotlight
- Causal Link Examined
- Benefits of DTC Advertising
Download the full article (PDF file) here:
Is Direct-to-Consumer TV Advertising a Losing Proposition?
Issue: Vol. 14, No. 7: December 2015