The Mobile Health Library™ Apps for Rx Adherence & Outcomes Support
MHL App IconThere is a growing consensus in pharmaceutical circles as well as in academia and among healthcare professionals and patients that mobile health offers a significant opportunity to improve clinical outcomes for patients.

But developing apps for mobile devices is a risky business for the pharmaceutical industry. There’s competition and the cost of creating and marketing apps is high. And let’s not forget that consumers don’t trust the pharmaceutical industry and are reluctant to download apps.

Rob Dhoble, CEO of Adherent Health, is interviewed about his company’s Mobile Health Library™ (MHL) mHealth platform, which is built specifically for the education and support of patients and caregivers. MHL offers many features for creating cost-effective mobile apps for Rx brand adherence and outcomes support.

Topics (partial list):

  • Pharma’s Mobile Risks
  • The Mobile Health Library Platform
  • HIPAA/Privacy Compliant
  • SUBOXONE® Sublingual Film Case Study

Download the full article (PDF file) here:

Issue: Vol. 14, No. 5: June 2015

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