PharmaPhobia & What to Do About It Tom Stossel Attempts to Debunk the Conflict-of-Interest “Myth”Thomas P. Stossel, M.D., visiting scholar at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, recently published a new book titled PHARMAPHOBIA. The book is a call to action against the “Conflict of Interest Myth,” which Stossel claims is undermining American medical innovation.
Stossel uses many combative terms to describe the focus of his critique. In his book and in a Pharma Marketing Talk interview (listen here), Stossel repeatedly refers to the conflict-of-Interest “movement,” conflict-of-interest “mania,” and conflict-of-interest “instigators, enablers and enforcers,” which include physicians and even pharmaceutical executives according to Stossel.
But will Stossel’s book, which ends with a section on “What is to be done,” turn the tide as he hopes it will? This article reviews some of Stossel’s main arguments. You be the judge.
Topics (partial list):
- Instigators, Enablers, & Enforcers
- The Slippery Slope Toward Sunshine
- Gifts to Physicians Survey Results
- Stossel’s Call to Action
Download the full article (PDF file) here:
Issue: Vol. 14, No. 4: May 2015