A KOL by Any Other Name Too Toxic for Everyday Use, or Still the Best Term to Use?Nearly two-thirds (62%) of physicians deemed to be genuine medical experts believe the pharmaceutical industry should replace the term “Key Opinion Leader” (KOL).
That was one of the insights gleaned from an inter-national online survey presented at the Medical Affairs Leaders Forum in Berlin, Germany, in February, 2015. The survey of 185 pharma professionals and 199 “real” KOLs was conducted by System Analytic, which is a company that helps pharmaceutical teams “identify, map, and engage with their medical experts and key stakeholders.”
This article summarizes the results of the KOL Name Change Survey and discusses how to change the underlying process by which pharma companies choose KOLs.
Topics (partial list):
- What’s a KOL Worth?
- Expert vs. High Prescriber
- The Dark Side of KOLs
- Pharma’s Opinion
- If Not KOL, What?
- Online versus Real World Popularity
- Alternative Terms for KOL Preferred by Pharma Execs
- Change the Underlying Process
- What About “Key Patient Leaders (KPLs)?”
Download the full article (PDF file) here:
Issue: Vol. 14, No. 3: April 2015