DTC Ad Spending Rises From the Grave Pfizer Leads the Ghoulish Pack2014 was a banner year for the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA approved a record number of new drugs and sent out the fewest enforcement letters since 1997 — the dawn of the direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising era in the U.S. (read “Banging Year for Drug Approvals, Wimpy Year for Enforcement Actions“).
Perhaps coincidentally, 2014 also saw DDTC advertising spending rise from the grave of the 2007-2008 Great Recession. According to data from Nielsen, the U.S. drug industry spent $4.53 Bn on DTC advertising in 2014.
This article presents the data and discusses Pfizer’s leading role in the DTC ad resurgence, especially in regard to TV advertising, which accounts for almost 70% of all DTC advertising dollars.
Topics (partial list):
- Chart: DTC Ad Spend Trend 1998 through 2014
- Pfizer Continues to Dominate DTC Ad Spending
- Chart: The Top 10 Most Advertised Rx Brands in 2014
- Chart: 2014 DTC Spending by Media Type
- TV Ads Are for Rich Pharma
- Chart: Time Spent in Media by Consumers vs. % Advertising Spending by Pharma
- TV Ad Spending Trend
- Why Does Pfizer Spend So Much More?
- Why DTC Spending Likely to Increase Again
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Issue: Vol. 14, No. 3: April 2015