The Sorry State of Pharma Mobile Health Apps Lack of Security, Continuity and Platform Standardization, Distribution Challenges, Poor ROI
Pharma Mobile App Black Hole At a recent eyeforpharma Philadelphia 2014 Summit, Carolyn Gauntlett, Senior Innovation Consultant with IMS Health, gave an interesting presentation titled “How to Make Sure You’re Getting the Most Out of Your mHealth App Development.”

This article summarizes some major points made in that presentation as well as data from the report “Patient Apps for Improved Healthcare: From Novelty to Mainstream” published by IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics.

Topics include (partial list):

  • Some Docs Prescribe More Apps Than Pills
  • So, Why Hasn’t Mobile Health “Exploded?”
  • More Apps, Less Meds?
  • Few mHealth Apps Are Worthy
  • Figure: Health App Functionality Score Distribution
  • The Pharma App Black Hole
  • Poor ROI

Download the full text PDF file here:

Issue: Vol. 13, No. 4: April 2014

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