Pharma Marketing Ethics & Corporate Reputation Compendium Bad, Devalued, Distrusted & Defensive PharmaWelcome to The Pharma Marketing Ethics & Corporate Reputation Compendium, which is a catalog of articles, blog posts, podcasts, and surveys about the pharmaceutical industry’s marketing practices viz-a-viz ethics and its corporate reputation.
The compendium is designed to be read while connected to the Internet. It includes summaries of articles (yellow pages) with links to full PDF versions of the articles hosted on Pharma Marketing Network. To access the full article, click anywhere within the summary while connected to the Internet.
The compendium also includes several full articles (white pages) that do not require any additional action to read and enjoy. Within these articles, however, may be links to further information and documents that can either be downloaded as PDF files or viewed within your Web browser.
This is a living document that is updated on a regular basis as new documents become available. Subscribers to Pharma Marketing News and followers of Pharmaguy on Twitter are notified when a new version of the compendium is available to be downloaded.
Table of Contents:
- Fixing Pharma’s Reputation
- Bad, Devalued, Distrusted & Defensive Pharma
- Big Bad Pharma
- Corporate Reputation in the New Media World
- A Call to Action
- GSK Strikes Back with a Grassroots Campaign
- Pharma’s Bad Rep or Bad Rap
- How the Drug Industry Can Earn Back the Public’s Trust
- Self-Regulation as a Collective Blocking Strategy
- The Truth About the Drug Companies
- Will Ethics Revive (Exhume?) the Drug Industry’s Reputation?
Download the full text PDF file here:
Version 1.0 (12 Pages)
Issue: Vol. 12, No. 8: 8 October 2013