Pharma C-Suite Social Media Dummies Senior Execs Must Start “Carrying the [Digital] Bag”
Ask any pharma digital expert to name the key factors to successful social media communications and the number one item on the list will be “senior management support.” But what do pharmaceutical senior managers and C-suite executives know about social media? Do they use social media?
Do pharma C-level executives really need to use social media directly or is it adequate that they see the value of social media within their organizations and ensure that others have the experience necessary to manage social media?
This article attempts to answer that question with the help of Alexandra Fulford, an independent pharmaceutical industry strategy consultant who has worked with several pharmaceutical companies developing and running digital and social media training programs and workshops.
Topics include:
- Senior Manager Social Media Survey
- Pharma SM Readiness Self-Assessment
- Carrying the Digital Bag
- Social Media Dummies No More
- Fifty Ways to Do the Digital
- Execs Should Embrace Twitter
- Why Pharma Execs Fear to Follow on Twitter
- The Value of Social Media
- Get On Board the Social Media Gravy Train!
Download the full text PDF file here:
Issue: Vol. 12, No. 5: 20 May 2013