Is Your Marketing Head in the Cloud? The Appature Nexus Marketing Cloud Software PlatformAs the average pharma sales rep spends less time with physicians, healthcare marketers are becoming more pressured to seek other ways to drive effective marketing programs. Marketers must operate in a new way, one that is more complex, technology-based and data-driven. Yet in many cases marketers do not have the tools they need to see an integrated view of their data, coordinate the customer experience across channels, and optimize campaigns in real-time to drive return on investment (ROI).
Appature, a unique software-as-a-service provider, sees this as an immense opportunity to couple the vast amount of data available to healthcare marketers with relationship marketing technology to discover new methods to personalize and optimize campaigns to both consumers and healthcare professionals.
This article reviews Appature Nexus, a Marketing Cloud software platform that drives sales growth through an integrated marketing database, campaign management tool and reporting/analytics engine.
Topics include:
- Trend Toward Technology
- Be in Command of Your Marketing
- Figure: Features of Appature Nexus
- Nexus 360 – Customer Profiles
- Nexus Touch – Campaign Manager
- Nexus Insight – Intelligence Reports
- Simple and Secure
- Move Up to “Informed Marketing”
- Get Your Head in the Cloud
- Figure: Get Your Head in the Cloud
- Link to “The Roadmap to Relationship Marketing” – step-by-step workbook
Read this article now. It’s FREE…
Issue: Vol. 11, No. 9: October 2012