Multichannel Marketing & Medical Reprints Putting Science on iPads, Apps, and HCP Websites

Reprint ReaderThe distribution of medical reprints to healthcare professionals (HCPs) by sales reps is not only a logistical problem but a channel problem as well. Physicians these days are less and less likely to spend much time with sales reps and many are reluctant to open their doors to sales reps. On top of that, physicians are now very comfortable using mobile devices to access electronic versions of reprints.

It makes sense, therefore, for pharmaceutical companies to deploy copyrighted e-prints and other marketing materials via iPads and other tablets, or via their own apps and websites in a controlled manner as part of a multichannel marketing campaign. Recently, Reprints Desk launched a product called Article Viewer, which allows life science companies to do just that.

Topics include:

  • e-Reprint Deployment Challenges
  • Sidebar: Article Viewer
  • What Do HCPs Really Want?
  • Study: Doctors Prefer Online/Mobile for Journal Reprints
  • Digital Facilitates Compliance, Retraction, & Replacement
  • How Physicians Use Article Viewer
  • Statistics and ROI
  • Roll Your Own App, But Let Reprints Desk Keep Track
  • (interviews with healthcare professionals)
  • Future Update Plans

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Issue: Vol. 11, No. 7
July 26, 2012
Word Count: 2336

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