Exploring the 2.0 Doctor-Patient Relationship The Impact of New Technologies on Healthcare

By John Mack

Lipitor vs. GenericsDuring the few months leading up to the second Doctors 2.0 & You conference in May 2012, Pharma Marketing News and Basil Strategies — the conference organizer — co-sponsored the “Technology Impact on Healthcare” online survey. This article summarizes the survey results.

The survey asked respondents to rate the importance internet tools and services in improving healthcare today and five years from now. Respondents also were asked to evaluate the impact of new technologies on public health problems such as obesity, vaccination, and smoking and which areas of the world are most active in developing and using health-related social media, mobile apps, and online communities. Finally, respondents were asked to identify which stakeholders — government, technology companies, health-care professionals, patients, payors — will be the major players online in 5 years.

Topics include:

  • How would you rate the importance of internet tools and services in improving healthcare?
  • Online Physician Communities Hold Promise, But Do They Deliver?
  • As of today, what has been the impact of the web on healthcare?
  • What the Future Holds

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Issue: Vol. 11, No. 5
May 31, 2012
Word Count: 1503

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