Google’s New Drug Search Result Format A “Knowledge Graph” that doesn’t include pharma!
Knowledge Graph“We get a lot of queries for medicine on Google,” said Aaron Brown, Senior Product Manager for Search at Google in a blog post. “So to make it quick and easy for you to learn about medications, we’ll start showing key facts — side effects, related medications, links to in-depth resources, and more — right on the search results page. This data comes from the U.S. FDA, the National Library of Medicine, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, among others. It’s part of the Knowledge Graph — our project to map out billions of real-world things, from famous artists to roller coasters to planets (and now medications).” It’s currently available to English speakers in the U.S.

But no information in the box comes directly from pharmaceutical companies, which are struggling to be part of the online conversation about their products!

Topics include:

  • Google vs. Pharma: A Brief History
  • 2010: Google’s “OneBox” Format for Lipitor
  • Knowledge Graph for Rx Drugs
  • 2012: Google’s “Knowledge Graph” Format for Lipitor
  • Lacks Lifestyle Info
  • Will FDA-Google-Pharma Collaboration Lead to Favorable Ad Format Guidelines?
  • How Google Got Stung by DOJ and FDA

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Issue: Vol. 11, No. 11: December 2012

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