The Future of Pharma Marketing is Mobile, Unless… …FDA’s “Enforcement Discretion” Remains UnclearYou don’t need a crystal ball to know that the future of media is mobile. While pharmaceutical companies may not yet be advertising on mobile devices as they do on TV, websites, and magazines, they are developing health apps that run on Droid smartphones, iPhones and iPads. Many observers feel that the pharma industry lags behind other industries as far as having a mobile strategy is concerned. One of the factors that may be holding back pharma in its pursuit of a mobile strategy is the loomimg sepecter of FDA regulations.
Topics include:
- Chart: Overall Strategy of Pharma Mobile Compared to Other Industries
- Video: Pharmaguy’s POV Regarding Regulation of Pharma Mobile Medical Apps
- What Is and Is Not an “MMA”?
- Chart: FDA’s Mobile medical apps Proposed Scope for Oversight
- Comments from Industry Submitted to FDA
- Risk of “Squashing” the Startup Mobile Medical Industry
- Focus Should Be Solely on Apps that Involve Significant Risk to Patients
- Who’s Responsible for Recalls?
- Mobile Apps Based on Websites
- Clarify the Scope of FDA’s “Enforcement Discretion”
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Pharma Marketing NewsEmail Addr:
Issue: Vol. 11, No. 10: November 2012