How is the iPad an Effective Delivery Platform for Medical Sales Professionals? MD Mindset Benchmarks & Tracks the Impact of iPad Use on Messaging Effectiveness & DeliveryThere’s no denying that the iPad dominates the tablet computer market. Over 84 million iPads have been sold prior to the introduction of the iPad Mini. In a recent survey, MD Mindset®, a leading life sciences marketing intelligence firm, founded by doctors and marketing professionals, found that 51% of doctors own and use an iPad. Even more incredible, over 90% of doctors aged 23-32 own an iPad, and many medical schools are issuing iPads to new students on day one!
How is the iPad a proven effective sales message delivery platform? What impact does it have on a doctor’s clinical and prescribing decision-making process? These are questions that MD Mindset’s proprietary iSFE Tracker™ methodology is designed to answer.
This article presents some key findings of an MD Snapshot™ study performed by MD Mindset that benchmarked and tracked the impact of iPad use on sales rep messaging effectiveness and delivery.
Topics include:
- iSFE Tracker™ Case Study
- Impact of the iPad on Messaging
- Supporting Data at Rep’s Fingertips
- ROI Beats MLR Hassles
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Issue: Vol. 11, No. 10: November 2012