How is the iPad an Effective Delivery Platform for Medical Sales Professionals? MD Mindset Benchmarks & Tracks the Impact of iPad Use on Messaging Effectiveness & Delivery
With and Without iPadThere’s no denying that the iPad dominates the tablet computer market. Over 84 million iPads have been sold prior to the introduction of the iPad Mini. In a recent survey, MD Mindset®, a leading life sciences marketing intelligence firm, founded by doctors and marketing professionals, found that 51% of doctors own and use an iPad. Even more incredible, over 90% of doctors aged 23-32 own an iPad, and many medical schools are issuing iPads to new students on day one!

How is the iPad a proven effective sales message delivery platform? What impact does it have on a doctor’s clinical and prescribing decision-making process? These are questions that MD Mindset’s proprietary iSFE Tracker™ methodology is designed to answer.

This article presents some key findings of an MD Snapshot™ study performed by MD Mindset that benchmarked and tracked the impact of iPad use on sales rep messaging effectiveness and delivery.

Topics include:

  • iSFE Tracker™ Case Study
  • Impact of the iPad on Messaging
  • Supporting Data at Rep’s Fingertips
  • ROI Beats MLR Hassles

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Issue: Vol. 11, No. 10: November 2012

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