Physicians Favor Brands With a Compelling Adherence Program Highlights from a Physician Survey by HealthPrize Technologies

No Cookie Cutter RepAn estimated one third to one half of all patients in the U.S. do not take their medication as pre-scribed by their doctors. Any shift in moving the needle towards better adherence is a win-win scenario that benefits both patients and drug brands.

HealthPrize uses a patented “Engagement Engine” to reward patients for taking their medication. In order to gauge the value of its adherence solution to physicians, HealthPrize sponsored an independent survey of physicians designed to assess the value of various adherence solutions — including HealthPrize — and their potential to influence physicians’ prescribing behavior.

This article summarizes the survey results, which were first presented during a Pharma Marketing Talk podcast interview of HealthPrize’s Chief Medical Officer, Katrina S. Firlik, M.D., and John Ruvane, HealthPriz’s VP of Sales and Business Development>

Topics include:

  • Physician Buy-in is Key to Success
  • Drug Parity Exits, Say Physicians (includes chart)
  • Chart: Importance of Prescribing Influencers
  • Key Findings of the Study
  • HealthPrize Dashboard
  • Chart: The Potential Impact of HealthPrize on Physicians’ Preference
  • Adherence as a Core Product Benefit
  • Transcript of Interview

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Issue: Vol. 10, No. 8
Publication date: 28 April 2011
Word Count: 2232

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