Getting Market Research Right in India & China Review: Emerging Trends Revealed by Kantar Health
India-China CollageThis is the last in a series of three articles highlighting points made by Kantar Health executives in a recent webinar titled, “Getting It Right in the Emerging Markets: Identifying the opportunities and avoiding the pitfalls in conducting market research in new geographies.”

This article delves more deeply into the specifics of market research in India and China.

Topics include:

  • Focus on India
    • Shift to Patient-Centric Activity Urged
    • Shifting Disease Patterns Requires New Product Portfolios and New Skills
    • Heart Disease & Obesity Statistics for India
    • India’s Healthcare Infrastructure
    • India & Intellectual Property Issues
    • Health Insurance in India
    • India Market Research Case Studies

  • Focus on China
    • China’s Five-Pillar Framework
    • FIGURE: Key Drivers of China Healthcare in the Next 3 Years
    • TABLE: Differences in Attitudes & Beliefs of Sufferers in China and Japan

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Issue: Vol. 10, No. 2: 19 January 2011
Word Count: 2,025

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