Pharma Industry News Update: 13 December 2016

Medical Affairs – all you need to know Medical Affairs Mini MagazineAmeet Nathwani (CMO, Sanofi) is among the hundreds of pharma execs who recognise the growing importance of Medical Affairs. He envisages a transformation to become a fully-fledged strategic partner alongside Commercial and R&D.

With so much change taking place, eyeforpharma recently quizzed senior medical affairs experts from Sanofi, Takeda, GSK, Celgene and AstraZeneca to put together a thought provoking mini-magazine which addresses key issues such as:

  • How we can generate continuous, cost-effective evidence
  • Why MSLs should use their emotions to effectively engage with stakeholders
  • What drove the transition to strategic partner and what can we expect in the future

The expert panel of contributors includes:

  • Dr Ameet Nathwani, Chief Medical Officer, Sanofi
  • Antonio Tataranni, SVP and Head of Medical Affairs, Sanofi
  • Danie Du Plessis, Head of Medical Affairs, GlaxoSmithKline
  • Gundula Schneidewind, VP, Medical Affairs, Takeda
  • Michael Zaiac, Head of Medical Affairs, Celgene
  • Mark Rees Saunders, MSL Excellence Lead, AstraZeneca

Find out all this and more; click here to download your free copy today

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Charts & Graphs Tell the Story of Pharma in 2016

On Twitter it’s been said that no one wants to see your “Year in Review,” especially if the year is 2016! Yes, 2016 was a lousy year for many people and even for the drug industry, but for different reasons. Yet if you look at the numbers, you will find some good news as well.

Access the Slideshare presentation here…

21st Century Cures for Pharmaceutical Marketing

In what Public Citizen described as an “Early Gift for the Pharmaceutical Industry” (see here), the Senate last week passed the 21st Century Cures Act, which contains many provisions that will benefit the pharmaceutical industry and patients, according to many observers, including President Obama who said “We are now one step closer to ending cancer as we know it, unlocking cures for diseases like Alzheimer’s…”

The Act will also benefit pharma marketers and usher in a new era of pharmaceutical marketing. How so?

Find out here…

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If Trump Taps O’Neill for FDA Commissioner, Consider It an Rx for Bad Health

Bloomberg reported that Donald Trump is considering nominating venture capitalist and libertarian Jim O’Neill to head the Food and Drug Administration

“We should reform FDA so it is approving drugs after their sponsors have demonstrated safety and let people start using them at their own risk,” said Jim O’Neill, a managing director at Mithril Capital Management, a venture capital firm run by Peter Thiel, the billionaire Trump donor and transition team advisor. “Let’s prove efficacy after they’ve been legalized.”

He is not the right person for the job, says Ed Silverman, editor of Pharmalot.

More here…

Pharma Guy’s insight: Silverman also mentioned that bipartisan support is rising for Scott Gottlieb — a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, a conservative think tank — as FDA commissioner. Gottlieb may be as radical as O’Neil regarding deregulation although he may not be as politically incorrect about it. Perhaps Trump is throwing out scary names so that he can pick less scary people who will do the same thing and Congress will not have to take criticism for OK’ing the appointment!

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Association of the British #Pharma Industry Proposes a “Brexit” Social Media Policy for Its Members

Pharma social media guidelines in the U.S. are starkly different, and more open, than in other countries around the world. But that doesn’t mean pharma is simply sitting out social in other regions. In the U.K., for instance, more pharma companies are now adopting country-specific social media.

The market for social media “in terms of pharma in the U.K. is almost completely different from the U.S.,” which necessitates the need for separate country channels, Andrew Ross, media relations manager of The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), told FiercePharma in an interview.

“As a U.K. consumer, looking at a corporate-run U.S. account or corporate-run account from somewhere like Japan, I’m not sure that would resonate with me near as well as something that was U.K.-led,” Ross said.
More here.
Featured Survey Direct-to-Consumer Off-Label Drug Promotion Survey
Direct-to-Consumer Off-Label Drug Promotion SurveyThis survey solicits your opinion possible FDA future decisions regarding off-label drug promotion to patient and consumer audiences. CLICK HERE to take the survey.