Pharma Industry News Update: 29 August 2017

What’s Holding Back Point-of-Care Marketing?

Is It Overrated?

[From] Point-of-Care (POC) marketing is plenty big already. Mark Boidman, managing director at Peter J. Solomon, which acted as a strategic advisor on the PatientPoint deal, says of the $8 billion or so spent on out-of-home advertising each year, about $500 million to $600 million is spent on POC messaging. Its growth, not surprisingly, has been propelled by the shift toward all things digital.

But obstacles to growth still remain, ones that have prevented the category from realizing the soaring increases pundits have long predicted.

It hasn’t helped that POC companies tout sky-high ROI figures.


Further Reading:

Specialty Brand Sales Excel Today, But What About Tomorrow?

High Prices May Be the Spoiler

[From] @QuintilesIMS teamed up with #PharmaForce to provide a framework for product launch assessment.

Currently, we certainly see many specialty drugs coming into play. The question becomes, according to the report: “As we start to see some of the trends drop down in 2015 and 2016, will the specialty drugs be able to maintain the influence they’ve had going forward?”


Further Reading:

Insights Into Which TV Shows Attract Pharma Ads & Why

Oldies Attract “Oldies”

[From] If you feel inundated with pharma ads, it might have something to do with your taste in TV shows.

Drug advertisers usually don’t target down to the level of specific TV shows when they’re buying ad spots… Typically, though, drug advertisers target demographic groups, such as women aged 65 and older, and buy spots during shows or times of day when those viewers are most likely to be watching.

Among the 100 most-watched shows on TV, the whodunnit true-crime show “48 Hours” had the largest share of drug advertising; 19 percent of its ads came from pharma. It was closely followed by police procedurals like “NCIS: New Orleans,” “Blue Bloods,” a “Criminal Minds” spinoff, and “Hawaii Five-O,” all of which had pharma to thank for about 14 percent of their ads.

Why are these shows getting blanketed with pharma ads? One key reason: crime dramas like NCIS are wildly popular with the aging viewers drug companies are trying to reach, points out John Mack, who publishes the digital newsletter Pharma Marketing News.
