Pharma Industry News Update: 2 February 2016

Digitally “Savvy” Women Pharma Pioneers Show Support!
Over the years Pharmaguy has had the pleasure of meeting and working with many very smart, talented, and interesting people in the pharmaceutical industry. He has been especially honored to meet and document the work of drug industry digital “pioneers” who have lead the way in the use of social media, digital, and/or mobile for marketing, research, patient support, or corporate communications purposes.   A segment that has not received enough attention from Pharmaguy and others is pharma women pioneers, digital or otherwise. To rectify that, Pharmaguy has put together a personal list of “Digitally Savvy Women Pharma Pioneers.”
 Access the PPT here.

Pharma and Snapchat Is It Right for Pharma Marketing?
The new kid on the social media block is SnapChat, a mystery to almost everyone over the age of 30, but beloved by millennials.

Snapchat has matured into a giant of social media delivering over 6 billion video views a day at the back end of last year. The network boasts the fastest growing user base, 57 percent in 2014, with up to 65 percent of those users contributing content on a daily basis.

Does that make it right for Pharma marketing?
It also taps into Pharma’s FOFDAR (fear of FDA regulations). If the content disappears in 24 hours, the chances of the FDA seeing it and documenting violations is minimized. But…

More here.

Pharma and Instagram Major Companies Embrace It for Promotion & Patient Engagement
Jennifer Starr, writing on the Intouch Solutions blog, shares five reasons she believes pharmas should take a new look at Instagram. 
“One reason stands out in my mind,” says PharmaGuy. “Her agency teamed up with Rebeca Bechily, Group Marketing Manager at Baxalta, to take their hemophilia program to instagram.” More on that here:

  1. Visual content is still on the rise
  2. Facebook reach is falling
  3. New moderation capabilities: 
  4. Analytics
  5. Pharma is already testing the waters

You might be surprised to learn that even some major pharmaceutical companies have embraced Instagram. But others stay away. Why?
Find out here.

Chantix No Better Than Nicotine Patches Except…  When It Comes to Suicidal AERs
In disappointing news for Pfizer, a study found that its controversial Chantix pill for quitting smoking failed to show any benefit over nicotine patches and lozenges among people trying to kick their habit.   “I was wondering why I’m seeing more Chantix ads on TV after a lull,” says PharmaGuy. “I guess Pfizer was trying to get as many new Rx’s as possible before these data came out.” 
For more information about Chantix and suicide, read “Consumer Groups Petition FDA to Keep Black Box Warning for Pfizer’s Chantix“.    So what does the data look like?
More about that here.

For more on that, read “FDA’s 2016 Guidance Agenda – Just Like the 2014 & 2015 Agendas – Promises Publication of Guidance Regarding Use of Links to 3rd-Party Internet Sites.”
Featured Survey Tell Us About Your Social Media Listening Program

Tell Us About Your Social Media Listening ProgramSocial media listening is a hot topic these days. There is no doubt that collecting information from disease and product conversations on social media sites helps pharmaceutical companies develop more impactful messaging and marketing tactics.

This survey is an attempt to understand how pharmaceutical companies and their agencies are using social media listening programs as a part of their marketing and communications programs.

CLICK HERE to take the survey.