Answers to Frequently-Asked Questions

Thank you for visiting the Pharma Marketing Network, the Leading Online Resource for Pharmaceutical Marketers.

These are just a few of the questions people ask me about Pharma Marketing Network. If your question is not answered here, please do not hesitate to Contact Us

Pharma Marketing Network FAQs

The following questions are about Pharma Marketing Network in general. If your question is not on this list, use the Contact Us form to submit your question.

Components & Services of Pharma Marketing Network®

Pharma Marketing Network is an online resource for pharmaceutical marketing, advertising, and sales professionals. The network includes:

All this, and more, is accessed through the Pharma Marketing Network Portal site, which provides these additional services:

The Benefits of Subscribing

As a subscriber to Pharma Marketing News, you are entitled to the following benefits:

  • A FREE quarterly e-newsletter (Pharma Marketing News) delivered to you via email. Only registered subscribers receive the email executive summary and links to the current issue on the Web as soon as it is available. For more information see Is the newsletter free?.
  • The FREE weekly (Pharma Industry News Update) delivered to you via email every Tuesday.
  • You may receive discounts on registration for industry conferences and access to free content such as white papers. Much of this is provided through newsletter sponsors and advertisers.
  • You will be first to learn about Pharma Marketing Network activities such as live podcasts.
  • Advertising supports the free distribution of the newsletter to subscribers. However, you will NOT receive any third-party sponsored email ads. All ads are embedded in the newsletter; e.g., banner ads and/or sponsored content.

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All Areas are Available to Everyone

All areas of Pharma Marketing Network are currently available to you, whether or not you have subscribed to the newsletter. Only subscribers, however, receive the newsletter FREE as soon as it is published.

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Pharma Marketing News FAQs

The following questions are about Pharma Marketing News. (See Pharma Marketing News for more information about the newsletter and access to the current issue and selected past articles)

Is the newsletter free?
Yes. The full text of ALL articles is available FREE to all subscribers.

Subscribers get the newsletter executive summary and links to the current issue delivered by email as soon as the newsletter is published.

You may opt-out of your subscription at any time by a single click of the mouse on a link included in every email you receive.

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Is there a print version of the newsletter?
No. Pharma Marketing News newsletter is 100% electronic and delivered to subscribers via email and PDF format on the Web.

Subscribers may print copies of the newsletter for their own use or to distribute to their colleagues.

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Can I contribute articles for publication in the newsletter?
Yes. We encourage members of the Network and everyone else to submit articles for publication in the Pharma Marketing News newsletter.

We understand, however, that you may wish to contribute articles to Pharma Marketing News to promote yourself or your products or services. We reserve the right, however, to refuse articles that are purely promotional in favor of articles that are informative and truly interesting to our readers.

Please see Author Guidelines for further instructions.

Can I Sponsor an Article?
Yes, you can sponsor an article as part of a Newsletter “Advertorial” as described below (see “Promoting Your Products & Services” for more details about Advertorial Sponsorships).

Over two-thirds of Pharma Marketing News readers are interested in “new ideas for drug marketing” (see Newsletter Subscriber Profile for other topics of interest to subscribers). Therefore, we ARE interested in publishing articles that feature products and services that satisfy that need.

A sponsored Newsletter “Advertorial” Option is a perfect solution. Keep in mind that the story is non-promotional. It does not make a pitch for your product or service nor does it have any call to action or pricing information. Its primary purpose is to inform our readers and provide brand recognition for your product or service. Your logo and contact information are included in the co-branded reprint version, which you can order in electronic (pdf) or print form. A follow-up dedicated email blast (which is included in the Advertorial package) to subscribers is the perfect opportunity for you to promote your call to action and sell the product or service. Request a Rate Card for pricing and other details about Newsletter Advertorials.

Advertising FAQs

The following questions are about advertising via Pharma Marketing Network. (See Advertising Information for more information about all the available advertising options.)

If your question is not on this list, use the Contact Us form to submit your question.

Acceptable Advertising Options
Pharma Marketing Network accepts the following types of ads (for more details about these options, see “Specific Advertising Options“):

  • Display Ads (various ad size formats) placed on the Pharma Marketing Network portal site, Forums site, Pharma Marketing Blog, and within the Executive Summary newsletter and Conference Calendar Update email sent to subscribers
  • Sponsored Tweets sent to followers of @Pharmaguy (see for more information about this Pharmaguy and his foll0wers). See “Social Media Campaigns” for more information about this and other social media options.
  • Conference Listings in the online Conference Calendar and the email version — Conference Calendar Update — sent to all subscribers as well as in the Forums Event Calendar
  • Podcast Sponsorship. Advertisers may sponsor a podcast interview about their product or service, especially if it covers a topic of interest to Pharma Marketing News and site visitors. Podcast sponsorships are usuall part of a Advertorial Package (see “Promoting Your Products & Services” for more details about Advertorials).

Many other advertising options are available. Request the Media Kit & Rate Card for a convenient summary of advertising options and current prices.

Who is your audience?
The Pharma Marketing Network community includes millions of Web site visitors, thousands of subscribers to Pharma Marketing News, tens of thousands of readers and subscribers to Pharma Marketing Blog, thousands of registered members of Pharma Marketing Forums, and over 28,000 Pharmaguy Twitter followers (as of October, 2016).

Most of these people are employed at a wide array of pharmaceutical manufacturers, biotech companies, medical device manufacturers, and vendors (see Partial List Companies/Organizations). Many are recognized experts in the field of pharmaceutical marketing and hold important positions within their organizations (see Partial List of Job Titles).

Find more details about our audience here.

What is the size your audience?
Pharma Marketing Network reaches hundreds of thousands of professionals. For details, including the latest metrics, see “Profile of Our Subscribers, Followers, and Site Visitors.”

How much does it cost to advertise?
Our advertising fees are very competitive. An email blast, for example, costs only pennies per subscriber!

Contact eHealthcare Solutions (EHS) for a convenient summary of advertising options and current prices.