SurveysFrom time to time, Pharma Marketing News hosts surveys of subscribers and visitors to the website. These surveys give you an opportunity to offer your opinions and insights on important pharmaceutical marketing issues. Most surveys are conducted anonymously, meaning you do not have to supply your name or contact information. However, you may opt in to provide this information so that we may contact you for more details or to quote you in any article we may write as a result of the survey.

Pharma Marketing Network’s 2006 Pharma Trend Survey

Click here to take this survey.Survey began 9 January 2006.

THE ISSUEThis is the time of the year when we all look into our crystal balls and try to come up with predictions for the new year. In December, 2005, for example, Pharmaceutical Executive Magazine published their 2006 Forecast based on interviews with a few experts (find the article by clicking here).”Pharma Marketing Network’s 2006 Pharma Trend Survey” is designed for a broader audience, including all the subscribers to Pharma Marketing News, members of the Online Discussion Forum, and visitors to the Pharma Marekting Network Web site. Anyone, that is, that has an opinion.You are invited to take this survey to add your insight to our crystal ball. This is a good opportunity for you to show how smart you are and get your name on the list when reporters call and ask if we know anyone who they can interview. If you want, you can respond to the survey anonymously as well.The list of trends in the survey is comprehensive, but you are welcome to add your own. Here’s a preview of a few of the trends we want to know about (How likely is each trend in 2006?):

  • Cuts in DTC Ad Spending
  • Dwindling Pipeline of New Drugs
  • Increase in Generic Competition
  • Cuts in Sales and/or Marketing Personnel
  • Increased Outsourcing of R&D and/or Manufacturing
  • More…

What do you think? Click here to take this survey. You will be able to see a summary of the de-identified results to date immediately after completing the survey.