I’m trying something new. It’s Pharma Marketing Talk, which is a biweekly online and archived streaming audio talk radio show (podcast) that features interviews with leaders and innovators in pharmaceutical marketing. You can learn more about Pharma Marketing Talk, listen to past shows, or find out about future shows by clicking here.

The next show is Tuesday, November 14, 2006 at 1:00 PM Eastern US time. It will be broadcast live from the eyeforpharma e-Communication and Online Marketing Online conference being held November 13 to 14 at in Philadelphia. I will be talking with speakers and attendees and others who call in to the show. The following people are expected to stop by my setup at the conference or call in as guests:

Mark Bard, President, Manhattan Research and member of the Pharma Marketing Roundtable. Mark is moderating a panel on Tuesday morning entitled “Update your sales strategy: The Quality vs. Quantity dilemma and how to leverage the Internet to support and evolve your sales.” Mark has a lot of insight into physician use of the Internet not only here in the US but in Europe as well.

Fard Johnmar, Founder of Envision Solutions, L.L.C. and fellow blogger over at Healthcare Vox. He’s doing some work on the methodology of analyzing risks vs. benefits of online marketing, which will be the subject of my own presentation at the meeting on Tuesday, November 14 at 3:10 PM.

Harry Sweeney, CEO of Dorland Global Health Communications Marketing and member of the PharmaRoundtable. Harry’s been a friend for years and knows a lot of people. He has been in the pharmaceutical marketing communications business for a long time and can offer a lot of perspective to any discussion on this topic.

Svetlana Toun, SVP, International Strategic Alliances, Alansis Corporation. Svetlana will be presenting a workshop entitled “Connect, Communicate, Hit your Target!” on Tuesday morning at the conference.

You can listen in live or download the archive afterward by visiting the Pharma Marketing Talk Channel Page. If you wish to callin during the live broadcast and ask questions of the quests or make your own comments, call this number: (347) 996-5894 (call in only if you have questions you want to ask on the air).

I pretty excited about this podcast, not only because it’s new to me, but I think it’s the first time something like this has been attempted live during a pharmaceutical industry marketing conference.

While Pharma Marketing Blog is all about my opinions, Pharma Marketing Talk is about other peoples’ opinions.

I look forward to “hearing you there!”