PhRMA has just released its second annual report on comments it has received regarding violations of its Guiding Principles for DTC Advertising (see “DTC Advertising Improvements Observed In Two New Reports“).

PhRMA did a wonderful job of “white washing” or glossing over any negative criticisms with statements like the following peppered throughout the report:

“The comments on Principle 1 [DTC Ads should be educational] were both positive – with many patients having favorable reactions to the educational component of an ad – and negative – primarily with regard to specific actors used in the advertisement.”

“Many consumers were appreciative of the information provided while others stated confusion about the details of the advertisement and asked for further clarification. All companies responded to comments they received.”


Here’s the ultimate brush off:

“Very few comments were received on principles 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.”

That’s it! No more details about comments related to those principles! As if very few comments mean absolutely no problem at all! Very well then. No problem. Let’s move on.

Recall that in January I sent in a comment regarding the violation of Principle #10 (“DTC television advertising that identifies a product by name should clearly state the health conditions for which the medicine is approved and the major risks associated with the medicine being advertised.”) See “Tilting Again at the PhRMA Windmill.”

Sh*t! Missed the cutoff for this report, which was December 31, 2006!

No matter, even if I did make the cutoff, I am sure my comment also would have been brushed off along with the other “very few comments.”

To access the PhRMA reports, click here.