I’ve been running a survey of readers of this blog for a while (see Pharma Marketing Blog Reader Survey to take the survey). Thank you if you have already taken the survey.

This is a preliminary summary of the survey results based on nearly 300 responses received to date.

Reader Affiliation
The target audience for this blog is the same as for Pharma Marketing News: marketing professionals working within the pharmaceutical industry and companies that provide products and services for the pharmaceutical industry. I also hope that health care professionals (HCPs), consumers, and patients find this blog useful. By the looks of the following pie chart, I’d say that I have hit my target!

The largest group of readers (44%) are employed by a pharmaceutical, biotech, or medical device company. Another 31% work for companies that service the industry. This includes marketing, advertising, and PR agencies, consultants, and vendors offering products and services to the drug industry.

Not only am I happy that I am reaching my intended audience, I am happy that advertisers can place their ads in this blog and also reach this audience. Of course the ads are clearly labeled as “Advertisements.”

Support for Industry
A good majority (65%) of my readers are somewhat or very supportive of the pharmaceutical industry in general, whereas only 19% are somewhat or very unsupportive (see chart below).

This is good also — I consider myself as “somewhat supportive” of the industry, which means I want the industry to succeed, not fail and to do the “right thing” when it comes to marketing.

It’s interesting to note that although 84% of industry respondents in my survey consider themselves supportive of the industry, a good percentage (24%) feel as I do — their support may be conditional (ie, they “somewhat support” the industry)!

The survey also asks other questions like what topics readers would like to read more about on this blog and what other blogs they read on a regular basis. I will give a report on those questions at a later time.

In the meantime,