I was relaxing leafing through the latest New Yorker magazine while watching Extra on TV, when I came upon this week’s New Yorker cartoon caption contest selection (on left).

This has GOT to be the biggest PR coup ever for Takeda’s Rozerem marketing team! Obviously, that’s the deep sea diver often seen in the background of those Rozerem ads featuring Abe Lincoln and the beaver (see “Rozerem Ads Dis Lincoln, Show Beaver“).

I submitted the following caption on the official contest web page.

“He’s the sleep-aid medication celebrity spokesperson who will explain the side effects to you while I play golf with the sales rep.”

If you have a caption along similar lines, please submit it as a comment to this post. But be sure to also submit it to the New Yorker first, lest someone else submits it and wins. Don’t worry; I can’t rip you off — only one entry per person or e-mail address is allowed.